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Dinner Menu


A diverse range of flavorful dishes which are all sourced daily and locally


Fufu is a traditional West African dish that is prepared from boiled Cassava, Plantains and Cocoyam. it is also made in different ways in other West African countries. In Ghana, Ivory Coast and Liberia they use the method of separately mixing and pounding equal portions of boiled cassava with green plantain or cocoyam, or by mixing cassava/plantains or cocoyam flour with water and stirring it on a stove. Its thickness is then adjusted to personal preference, and it is eaten with broth-like soup, like Pepper soup, palm butter, Okra sauce etc.



Fufu & Pepper Soup

Image of Fufu & Pepper Soup


Dry Rice is a West African traditional dish. It is a seasoned finger-licking cooked white rice (parboiled, basmati, jasmine rice etc.) usually mixed with butter/oil, vegetables, tuna, corned beef, spam and other condiments to enhance its flavor. It can be served with fried/grilled fish, chicken or beef.


Dry Rice With Fried Fish & Vegetables

Image of Dry Rice With Fried Fish & Vegetables


Fried potato greens as the name suggests are prepared by frying the greens first before adding seasonings. It is usually cooked with beef, chicken, fish or any meat of your choice.


Fried Potato Greens With Rice

Image of Fried Potato Greens With Rice


Red Oil potato greens as the name suggests are prepared by seasoning the greens and allowing it to boil first along with beef, chicken, fish or any meat of one’s choice before adding palm oil, then it is allowed to simmer before serving.


Red Oil Potato Greens With Rice

Image of Red Oil Potato Greens With Rice


Cassava leaves stew is prepared with pounded or blended cassava leaves seasoned and is allowed to boil along with any ingredients of one’s choice such as beef, fish, chicken etc. before adding palm oil, then it is allowed to simmer before serving.



Cassava Leaves With Rice

Image of Cassava Leaves With Rice


Palm butter or palm cream, is an ingredient made from the pericarp (not the seeds) of palm nuts, the fruit of the African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) tree. It forms an important ingredient in stews and sauces in African cuisine. This dish is made with sauce which often includes fish, beef, chicken and other condiments to enhance the flavor



Palm Butter With Rice

Image of Palm Butter With Rice




Beans Torborgee With Rice

Image of Beans Torborgee With Rice


Fried Bitter Balls gravy is a traditional Liberian dish that is prepared from white garden eggs vegetables (Egg Plants). It is prepared by blending the garden eggs, seasoned fried before adding water, beef, chicken, fish or any meat of one’s choice, then allowed to cook for 20-30 or more depending on the quantity. This dish is usually eaten with rice.



Fried Bitter balls Gravy With Rice

Image of Fried Bitter balls Gravy With Rice




Fried Fish Gravy With Rice

Image of Fried Fish Gravy With Rice




Kidney Beans Gravy With Rice

Image of Kidney Beans Gravy With Rice




Fried Okra Gravy With Rice

Image of Fried Okra Gravy With Rice




Collard Greens With Rice

Image of Collard Greens With Rice




Pepper Soup With Rice

Image of Pepper Soup With Rice




Fried Pumpkin Gravy With Rice

Image of Fried Pumpkin Gravy With Rice


Palaver sauce or palava sauce or plasas is a type of stew widely eaten in West Africa. The word palaver means to talk profusely, lengthy debate or quarrel. It is unclear how this led to the name of the stew. It is made from pounded or boiled Jute leaves with palm oil. The ingredients used to prepare this dish often include beef, chicken, fish, shrimps, crabs, other meats and spicy seasonings.



Palaver Sauce

Image of Palaver Sauce
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